Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Olympia competes in a somewhat lo-fi diving competition.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Olympia's Big Night

Well, Olympia Otter had a lot of fun last night when she attended an Olympic Opening Ceremony party in Brighton.  I'm not at all sure why I wasn't invited, but never mind.

I do hope you didn't drink all that pink fizz by yourself

Everyone made a big fuss of her and she really got into the spirit of things (she also stayed up waaaaaaaaaay past her bedtime).

On the train to Preston Park

Olympia is a big hit with the boys

Wow!  Pyrotechnics!

Ahhh, here come the paps
Ring of FIRE!
Afer all that excitement, it's time to go straight for the chocolate

Then she got a front row seat for the REAL DEAL.

Monday, 16 July 2012


Olympia otter and her chums have won gold medals in swimming, diving and water polo, and are looking suitably proud. 

They have been made especially to mark the Olympic games in London and will be available for a limited time until the end of the games on August 12th.  Snap one up here!

Sunday, 1 July 2012


Little Marshall the otter was auctioned off last night! 

He was the first lot, so he was a bit nervous, but bidding was lively and he helped to add to the £800 or so raised by illustrator James Hood for two charities - Women's Aid and the Wythenshawe Transplant Fund. 

Illustrators and designers from the Annexe Studios, Brighton donated prints and paintings (and otters) and many local businesses gave generous raffle prizes.

Lucky Nishant Choksi made the winning bid for Marshall - a brave decision, as Marshall's hobby is farting under the duvet. Well, Nish - don't say we didn't warn you.

The auction in full swing.