Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Paprika is an otter with love in his heart, and his heart held firmly between his paws.  And clearly his heart is set on escaping this dull weather and going somewhere a tad more exotic.

 Do send us a postcard if you do, Paprika.  And don't forget your board shorts.

A little later . . .

Look! A postcard from Paprika.

I'm not entirely sure what he's up to, but it does look very pretty.

Friday, 8 February 2013


Nick bought Lucy a little otter for Christmas.  She named him Chabas.  Chabas has gone to live in Doha, Qatar via Abu Dhabi.  He is an international otter.

Chabas hanging out in the bar at Crowne Plaza Yas Island.  He looks dead chuffed.  Or is it jet-lag?

Making an appearance at the Grand Prix circuit!

I have a sneaking suspicion there will be more exotic showing off from Chabas in the days to come.

Oh, and here it is.

Chabas marvels at the cheap price of petrol.  (Amazing how quickly he's picked up Arabic.)

Aaahh - time for a coffee break accompanied by an otter-sized pink macaroon.  Chabas is just leaning in to ask Lucy if the squishy stuff in the middle is taramasalata and whether he can use the mug as hot tub afterwards.

Look how noble and proud Chabas looks as he poses 'with' the Qatari royal family.

 Enjoying the sound of the call to prayer.  Nice green light.  Are you underwater?

Hanging out with the design boys in the graphic design department.  And causing some alarm by the looks of things.

Wow, Chabas -I'm so impressed with this shot (and also that the falcon didn't eat you).

Chabas is making a big contribution to the project - by his mere presence.

Hanging out in the catering tent.  Should otters be drinking fizzy pop?