Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Augustus At Christmas

Augustus (and I) would like to wish you all an otterly Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Stan (pt II)

Oh Stan.  I am officially beyond jealous.

Stan's carer Mary has sent us another set of Stan's holiday snaps. He's currently having the time of his life hanging round the Iguazu Falls on the Brazilian/Argentine border.


After all this excitement, Stan relaxes with some lovely flamingos.

Can't wait to find out what Stan gets up to next.


Lucky Ilona has two otters living with her. 

We've just seen what Eric's been up to (see post below this one) now here's an insight into Oscar's busy world.

Oscar isn't letting the fact that he's wielding a bouquet of flowers hold him back.  Oh no.  He's helping Ilona set up a science lab. 

Inspecting the chemical cupboard.

Oscar is in charge of pens.

Is that the chemical structure of fish you're sitting on, Oscar?

This is seriously impressive stuff, Oscar.  Skills.

Saturday, 21 December 2013


Ilona sent in this great picture of her otter Eric guarding her Christmas presents.  No peeping or shaking please, Eric.  And I like your necklace very much.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Stan (pt I)

Great excitement is flooding the Fuzzy holt today as we've just received the first holiday snaps from Stan.

Stan's currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina with his carer, Mary, and he says it's jolly hot out there.  I'm a tiny bit jealous as I'm stuck in Brighton trying to grow my winter coat to keep out the chilly wind.

The excellent picture below shows Stan soaking up some rays after an exhausting 18 hour bus journey.

He says he has sweaty fur.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Augustus sulla vacanza

And that means 'on holiday' in Italian!

Augustus is just back from a fantastic trip to Venice and his carer Skye made sure she took lots of pictures of him having lots of fun (and treats) and getting in a bit of sightseeing.

Are you ready?

Here we go.

About to take off from London Gatwick, Augustus is lucky enough to have a really excellent window seat.

On board the water taxi in Venice!  Lovely ears, Augustus.

Augustus is in charge of all the travel essentials

I'm not sure if he dived into the canal after this shot was taken.

Wow!  Red wine and snacks.

Posing in St Mark's Square

Awesome picture.

The rumours that otters like coffee are true!  Hope that espresso didn't cost a small fortune.

Otter vs. lion. So brave!