Thursday, 13 February 2014

Tarquin, Mungo & Splash

A Letter From The Outer Hebrides
Tarquin is settling in with Mungo and Splash well...between the two of us it will do the boys well to have a more learned and calming influence amidst them. The younger ones are doing well and in recent months have been busying themselves around the house making holts out of any scraps of material, newspapers and the throw cushions from the sofa. Mungo is continuously devising cunning schemes of adventure, that can only be belayed by trips away to Harris, Eriskay and Barra...and once they are on the beach they run riot, frolicking amongst the kelp and weeds, watching the rockpools and rings of bright water, fishing, eating pond weed and trying to make friends with the other otter families...which does not always bode well. Poor little Splash does not understand why the other otters feel threatened by him and his brother, but I have tried to explain the nature of wild otter communities many times, bless him. It snowed yesterday and I came home to find them on the window sill looking up, on asking what they were up too..."looking for Mr Christmas" the replied came. Silly things. I think the move for us from Hampstead (albeit they loved their freedom on the heath) to the Outer Hebrides has done the family (adults included) wonders, although we are all longing for the summer, and long bright days stretched out on the Machair.

I hope all is well in Brighton,

Kindest Regards and Warm Wishes,

Mungo, Splash, Tarquin
Bosun and Magdalena

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Stan (pt III)

Stan the fearless otter continues his South American adventures - this time in Brazil.

Dining with man in a strange pointy hat.
Continuing on his quest for exotic birds - it's parrots this time.
With Jesus on Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Really leaning in to get a better view of Rio de Janeiro.
The view from Sugar Loaf Mountain. WOW.