Monday, 14 April 2014

Mungo, Splash & Tarquin

I am very much liking this great photo sent in by Bosun Smee - who has his hands full with three of us.  

He writes:
'Mungo, Splash and Tarquin over in the Outer Hebrides are waiting for the sun to come out so they can hit the beaches...enjoying Skye's photos indoors for now.'

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Och Aye Augustus

Well, we've just had Augustus's holiday snaps sent through and we like them very much!  Augustus has been holidaying with his carer Skye in the Isle of Skye (!) and although he didn't see any fellow otters, he appears to have had a very nice time.

Augustus approves of the view.  Looks like good otter country!

He fits right in!

Augustus poses proudly with Skye. On Skye.

We love this beautiful shot.  What is it with the Shark Alley Otters and waterfalls?

Well, come on - where are all the other otters then?

Augustus still can't see them!

Ah well, at least they have each other.