Saturday, 30 June 2012


Rayleigh Otter (get it?) went to live in Cardigan in Wales in 2011.  
His new keepers Mary Llewellyn and Malcolm Obee sent in these delightful pictures of Rayleigh exploring the countryside earlier this year. 

(They also report that fish keeps going missing from their fridge.)

I like to see this picture as Rayleigh having to be dragged away from the map of his territory.

Brrr.  Just back from a bracing swim?

Doing a spot of birdwatching, perhaps.

I love this one.  

Nobly posing next to a GIGANTIC otter. Absolutely brilliant!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Check out little Lottie on the International Otter Survival Fund shop page!  

She's already on her way to Japan (I hope she packed a magazine and a sandwich, because that's quite a journey).  It would be so cool to get some pics from her new keeper over there.

Friday, 22 June 2012


Little Oscar has gone to live in Newhaven and hasn't let the fact that he's clutching a bouquet of flowers hold him back from being a great scientist - oh no.  Super big thanks to Ilona Schofield for her excellent documentation of Oscar and all of his experiments.

Wow, those chemicals look pretty full on, Oscar.  Shouldn't you be wearing a lab coat?

Oscar appears to weigh lighter than air!

This looks impressively technical.

Oscar appears to be carrying out some research into doorbells, which is clearly a very important field for both domestic otters and scientists alike.

I have to confess that a simple otter such as myself has absolutely no idea what this piece of equipment is, or what Oscar is doing with it.  Any ideas?  Anyone?

After a hard day in the lab, it's very important to write up your research.


¡Que fuerte! (I believe that is Spanish for 'wow!') Sarah brought me back this rather splendid otter-sized sombrero from Spain. It's a trifle on the large side, but I think I can pull it off.

Oh, and I've got some great new pics from some otter siblings to share with you very, very soon!