Sunday, 28 February 2016

Fuzzy In The Big Apple pt III

I hope you enjoy these last few shots from my trip to New York!

Wow!  Chrysler Building.

Otter on 42nd Street.

Grand Central Fuzzy

Me in front of the famous clock at Grand Central Station.

Complementary Oyster Crackers? Don't mind if I do.
The Oyster Bar, Grand Central Station.



So I'm back on the shelf with my sombrero again for the time being, but don't forget to take your otter on some adventures too!

Love Fuzzy xxx

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Fuzzy (That's ME) In The Big Apple pt II

I admit it - I made Keeper take so many pictures we're going to have to spread them over a few blog posts.

This is the biggest bed EVER.  But just about right for a lively young otter.

I've decided I quite like hotels.

Lunch at the Russian Tea Room.

$10 for a a cup of tea? I may need to bite someone.

I LOVE New York!

Enjoying the Manhattan skyline from the Circle Line boat trip with my tail right up.
I suppose I could have swum, but it was a bit chilly.

Otters love coffee. Fact.

Stay posted for more adventures.

Love Fuzzy xxx

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Fuzzy In The Big Apple (aka At Last I Get A Trip!) pt I

Well, dear readers - what can I say?  AT LAST I got to go on a trip - and WHAT a trip it was!  It nearly blew my ottery mind.

I'm still almost too overwhelmed to describe it all, but I'm sure these pictures will do the job instead.

Here's what I got up to on my first day.

I go up the Rockefeller Centre (Top Of The Rock) to take in amazing views of the city.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed here.  Or is it otter vertigo?  Do otters get vertigo?
Paws back on solid ground - here's the Rockefeller Centre itself.

The ice rink at the Rockefeller Plaza. Keeper thinks I look like a flasher lurking in the bushes. Charming.
Some New York institutions - Radio City Music Hall and a yellow school bus.
Getting up close and personal with a squirrel in Central Park.  Is he trying to punch me in the stomach?


On the second day, I visited Greenwich Village.

Whaddaya mean, it's a veggie burger??!!

Hey everyone! There's an otter loose on Fifth Avenue!

That's all for the moment.  More to come very soon!

Love Fuzzy xxx

Monday, 1 February 2016

Augustus In Australia

After being there for the proposal, lucky Augustus otter managed to tag along on the honeymoon too.

How does he manage to be so jammy?!

Otter-keeper Skye let Augustus accompany her and her new hubby to Australia, where he hung out on the beach and made some birdy friends in the zoo.

There's a rumour flying around that my keeper's off to New York soon, so I'm doing my best to look winsome and poignant and like I would be an asset in the Big Apple.

Wish me luck, Fuzzy Fans.