Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Fuzzy In The Big Apple (aka At Last I Get A Trip!) pt I

Well, dear readers - what can I say?  AT LAST I got to go on a trip - and WHAT a trip it was!  It nearly blew my ottery mind.

I'm still almost too overwhelmed to describe it all, but I'm sure these pictures will do the job instead.

Here's what I got up to on my first day.

I go up the Rockefeller Centre (Top Of The Rock) to take in amazing views of the city.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed here.  Or is it otter vertigo?  Do otters get vertigo?
Paws back on solid ground - here's the Rockefeller Centre itself.

The ice rink at the Rockefeller Plaza. Keeper thinks I look like a flasher lurking in the bushes. Charming.
Some New York institutions - Radio City Music Hall and a yellow school bus.
Getting up close and personal with a squirrel in Central Park.  Is he trying to punch me in the stomach?


On the second day, I visited Greenwich Village.

Whaddaya mean, it's a veggie burger??!!

Hey everyone! There's an otter loose on Fifth Avenue!

That's all for the moment.  More to come very soon!

Love Fuzzy xxx

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