Wednesday, 22 August 2012

What Olympia Did Next

Well, it seems that Olympia is having a whale of a time with Benjamin & Michael from TheBigForest!

She is having so much fun that they have been documenting her activities (which seem mostly concerned with property matters at the moment).  They are promising more fun and photos as time goes on, so I have kindly offered to devote this one post to her and update it as they come in. Stay tuned!

(Actually, I'm quite jealous.  Maybe I can go and stay with them for a while.)

Olympia's new seaside retreat (compact and bijou).

"Now, where's my medal? Ah - there it is".

I'm such a hungry girl! Now where are those kippers, donuts, trifle, full English, roast dinner . . .

Olympia meeting with a dashing Ginger. His name is Millard. At first we thought they were exchanging drugs but  then realised it was a boy/girl thang  . . .

Olympia was just off to the front garden to trim some mint to sprinkle on the new potatoes for their evening meal when she made a shock discovery! "A bear, Millard, a bear!"

Another little Olympia (yes, there is more than one!) went to live in France with a nice lady called Béatrice.  She is currently holidaying with her in Germany and Béatrice has kindly taken some pictures of Olympia trying to practice her diving in the pool. There appear to be a few issues with that, however.

Olympia finds a good vantage point to check out the facilities.

Now, shall I dive in from here . . . ?

. . . or here?

Er . . . oops.

In that case, better have a sit down

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Fun With YouTube


Is the coast clear? Has Olympia finally gone?

I mean, I do love you and everything, Olympia, but can I have a go now?

So now I've got my blog back, I'm going to share some of my favourite otter videos with you. These have been selected after positively YEARS of intensive research and are big favourites in our den.  Sarah likes to watch these when she's feeling a bit sad because they always make her laugh. (Click on the links below to see them.)

Here's our current fave, from Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. We call it 'Nellie & The Cups'.

Her face when the red one won't fit is quite priceless.  I've been practising that expression in the mirror for when there are no more chocolate fish left in my bowl.

The next one, from Chris Cohen, clearly demonstrates just how talented otters are (but for God's sake don't let Olympia see this, or she'll get ideas and start showing off again).

Mwah! Mwah!

And finally . . . well, there really are no words for this one.  Turn up the volume.

Monday, 13 August 2012

It Must Be Love!

Olympia has begged me to share just ONE MORE shot with you before she goes into retirement.  Here she is having a cuddle with the magnificent lion made by the lovely chaps at TheBigForest, who won her in the Twitter competition.  Then they said some really nice things on their blog. Awww.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


It's the final day of the London 2012 Olympics and sadly this brings Olympia's sporting achievements to a close (and maybe I'll get my blog back now, Olympia).  However, we've saved the best 'til last, as this is our personal favourite. 

Who said she has a tea strainer on her head?

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Olympia demonstrates why otters don't usually bother with boats. There is no room for tails.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Gymnastics - The Beam

Olympia prepares for a forward roll.  I prefer a tuna roll myself.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Water Polo

Another of Olympia's favourites (though she's not sure about that cap).

Monday, 6 August 2012

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Saturday, 4 August 2012


In honour of Jessica Ennis, the British heptathlete, Olympia gets busy with her javelin skills (though I reckon she's going to have someone's eye out in a minute).

Friday, 3 August 2012


Here we go - Olympia's favourite sport.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Gymnastics - The Floor Discipline

I don't know, Olympia - is this gymnastics?  Or is it yoga?

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Asymmetric Bars

Who knew the clothes horse could be such fun?