Sunday, 29 June 2014

Ray Lee Otter

Ray Lee Otter (get it?) was adopted by Ilona for her friend Staci.

After a shaky start where he was caught  'eating Staci's birthday cake and nicking her wine' he turned things around nicely by visiting Staci's chum in hospital with a bunch of red roses.  Good boy.


One of our otter chums has moved to Westchester County in New York!

We're not sure what his name is (maybe he's an anonym-otter) but he's been hanging out with new pal Jack (who apparently likes to put Otter's tail in his mouth).

Luke Talks To The Animals

Luke is quite possibly the busiest otter ever.  I think he might be angling for his own blog and may even have his own agent by now for all we know.

He's been making friends with Heidy's new bunny, Dorian.

 And also snacking with Dorian and neighbouring beaver Tuluk.  We are loving this cute photo.

Augustus And The Sleeping Bag

Augustus has been spotted getting into young Theo's sleeping bag!

He might be practising for the festival season.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Luke & The Tattoo Convention

Wowee!  It looks as if Luke is a very busy and adventurous little otter, as we've just received some quite astounding pics of him at a tattoo and piercing convention in Dortmund, Germany.

I think he managed to avoid getting tattooed and pierced but he did make a lot of friends. 

"So here I am at the convention"

All eyes on Luke . . .

"Shall I get my face painted like this lady?"

She definitely needs a Luke tattoo on that arm

Oh, Luke!  You are a one!

Ding dong! Luke is a real ladies' otter

JJ Abrams - we think you need another Luke in the new Star Wars movie

"So. . . it's a toss up between a clam on my tummy or fish on my bum . . ."

And finally, here is our favourite, favourite picture.

Luke, you are our hero.

Thank you to Heidy for taking Luke out on such a fun day and for all the brilliant pictures.

Dinner's On Luke!

It seems that Luke is a generous little otter, as he's treated Heidy and Elke to dinner.

Make sure you don't get red wine on your lovely white bib, Luke.

Looks like half pepperoni, half tuna.  Which half is Luke's?

Good thing you have your Scampi Moo otter purse, Luke.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Elke bought Luke as a gift for Heidy, and he's gone to live in Germany.

Firstly, he's been introduced to Jenny the dog (who seems quite happy to see him) and Heidy has promised lots of trips and adventures, so we can't wait to see those.

Before he left, Luke was a model for a few photos.  Check him in this one! The sharp of eye will notice he's wearing Augustus's bobble hat.  He did give it back though.)


Luke has just seen this post and was so excited, he's made Heidy take more photos.  Let's see them then, Luke!

It's official. Jenny and Luke are in love.

Luke is also making other animal friends.  We love this one.

No Luke, I don't think that otter's going to share his fish with you.

These otters might though.